Avoid Enemies

I don’t mean avoid enemies as in stay out of their way, I mean don’t have enemies. Although there will always be a few who view you as their enemy, you should have no enemies. You should work hard on constructive relationships that can produce positive and tangible results. You should completely avoid expending valuable time and energy on nonproductive relationships by not allowing others to lure you into a never ending feud that no one can win. Don’t waste your time on such worthless relationships, as this is another one of those vicious cycles that accomplishes nothing. Never hate – just ignore these would be enemies. The more you concentrate your time on problematic people the more they focus on you. Put your time and energy to better use. Be the better person, and turn the other cheek. You will gain the respect of your peers and others who are aware of your situation when you leave pride and pettiness behind while ignoring these types of insecure personalities.

This excerpt is from the book:

199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, and Sex Life

By L. B. Sommer  


199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, And Sex Life      

6" x 9" Paperback $12.99

KINDLE E-book version $3.99 

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